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Our precision grinding process
17 July 2024
The precision grinding process : a process dedicated to high-quality and high-precision metal parts in the micron range.
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ILA Berlin 2024 trade fair
28 May 2024
Let's talk about aerospace! Come and meet us at the ILA Berlin trade fair, Hall 2, Stand 120 from June 5th to June 9th in Germany.
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Flash-butt welding focus
Focus: flash-butt welding
17 May 2024
Video explaining the flash-butt welding process and its advantages, as well as the applications for which this technique is used within the Defontaine...
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Paris Air Show 2023
16 June 2023
The Defontaine brand will be happy to meet you hall 2B, Stand D125 from 19 June to 25 June 2023 in Paris, France.
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Defontaine, official Pratt & Whitney qualified supplier
14 March 2023
Defontaine has successfully completed the NDT qualification by Pratt & Whitney and is now recognized as an NDTCS approved supplier.
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Defontaine au Farnborough Airshow
Farnborough Airshow 2022
28 June 2022
Meet Defontaine on the GIFAS pavilion, Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales, at stand 1360.
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New names of business products
New names for our Business Products
04 January 2022
Our business products names are evolving to be more representative of our strategies. The new names reinforce the visibility of our products and the potential...
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